4月2日,我们迎来了WBS英语开放日。活动伊始,娃哈哈学校顾问、国际教育专家Jennifer Hyde Sachs女士为家长们带来了主题讲座:国际学校对于孩子英语学习能力的需求。拥有28年教育经验的她从教学方法、调整预期、海外入学等方面做了分享。
作为家长如何帮助孩子学好英语呢?杜女士围绕以下三个方面进行了详细的阐述:1. 建立孩子的英语学习兴趣和内在动力;2. 为孩子提供浸润式英语学习和应用环境;3. 阅读时增加词汇量、提高写作能力的最有效方法。同时,她也从自身和所了解到的情况,总结了家长最容易走入的误区,比如让孩子死记硬背,急于让孩子表现等。
WBS初中阶段设置专门的学术英语预备(EAP)和英语语言文学(English Literature)课程,帮助学生掌握批判性思考和分析能力。
The 2019 Wahaha Bilingual School Parents Open Day was held in the main auditorium with about 200 parents in attendance. May Ma was the master of ceremonies for the event. After a brief introduction, Jennifer Hyde Sachs, an international education expert from Beijing, gave a presentation about preparing children for overseas education. Her major topic was navigating expectations. While English is important for overseas education, it is also imperative to help children a sense of independence and self-mastery. Parents need to provide opportunities for their children to make their own choices whether it is what they want to wear or eat. Then when they are older, they will have the confidence to make other more important decisions such as which school they prefer and what career path they want. Having a sense of self-guidance also helps to adapt to different conditions as is common when students study abroad.
The second speaker was Jane Du, the founder of Wahaha Schools. Her remarks focused on how parents can promote English learning in the home. She suggested placing vocabulary cards around the house to increase the amount of English exposure at home. She also advised providing more access to English-language media such as television programs, movies, and music. While children can quickly become involved in online activity, it is also important that parents regulate their child’s activities. She also reinforced the idea that English is a door to opening more opportunitiesin the future. As our children have a better grasp of English, they have more choices to make in their future. At the conclusion of Jane Du’s remarks, light refreshments were offered while the parents could speak with the presenters and the English teachers.
After the rest, Ms. Ma presented an overview of the English curriculum. This was followed by video presentations of class activities in each grade level, providing a glimpse into class involvement. Activities included phonics awareness, guided reading, educational movement, listening and speaking, and project based learning. Ms Ma then recounted that each of these activities are available at each level depending upon the students’ language ability.
The final activity was an open forum where parents could pose questions to a panel. The panel consisted of Jack Dong, Principal of WBS Middle School; Jennifer Hyde Sachs, and Baoru Shen, Executive Principal of WBS Primary School. In response to various questions, Principal Dong briefly introduced the courses offered at the middle school and his own personal insight how to be prepared for study abroad. Ms. Sachs encouraged parents to ask their children deep questions to foster deep modes of thinking. Principal Shen offered different opinions concerning success and asked all to reconsider how we view success in our homes. All who attended this Open Day learned much about the English program at Wahaha in addition to new ways for parents to encourage English study.
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