拥有丰富教学经验的WBS初中部外教Travis Robertson分享了他针对6、7年级的特色英语课程和教育态度。
Travis Robertson老师来自加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省,拥有不列颠哥伦比亚大学的学士学位以及西蒙弗雷泽大学的英语专业学士学位,擅长探究式的教学法以及融合教学,在国际教育特别是在中学教育方面,拥有丰富的教学经验。如今他担任WBS初中部的英语老师,为培养WBS学生创造与批判的国际化思维贡献自己的力量。
在娃哈哈双语学校初中部,有这样两门特色英语课程,英文文学(English Literature)和学术英语(English for Academic Preparation)。
学术英语(EAP) 旨在帮助学生掌握批判性思考,通过让学生学习多角度推敲,融入个人观点和例子,去组织英文写作或口头表达,从而培养他们的专业词汇和表达想法的能力,并使之与纯英文课堂环境相适应。
比如英语和科学的融合项目,中外老师合作教学,让学生们就人类成就(Human Achievement)这一话题进行研究评价并书写研究报告。在收集资料的过程中,学生会发现网上得到的资料不一定都是准确的,因此学生们首先需要学会评估一个网站或书籍的可信度,判断其是不是一个好的来源。
Human Achievement 研究报告
Buddy Reading 有趣有意义的结对阅读
在WBS初中部英语课堂,还专门设有Buddy Reading项目。 在Buddy Reading 活动里,高年级的学生与低年级孩子成对阅读,一起练习口语,一起复习单词。在共同阅读的过程中,为了向低年级的孩子们解释书中某些单词句子的意思,学生的双语能力也得到了锻炼。
Travis Robertson:
My knowledge and experience in the field of education has drawn from a combination of formal academic training, extracurricular camp experiences, and classroom teaching in many different schools and educational environments in Vancouver, Canada. It has truly been a treat to bring this experience to China where I have been able to work alongside expert Chinese teachers who have helped me to better understand my own Western styles of teaching while also gaining relevant experience of teaching and learning in China.
As the foreign English teacher at Wahaha I teach two courses: English for Academic Preparation and English Literature. English for Academic Preparation focuses on critical thinking by teaching students to respond to a problem with a variety of possible answers and be able to organize their ideas into either a strong piece of writing or a spoken presentation. The course works to build academic vocabulary and the ability to present ideas in a format that is compatible with an English speaking foreign classroom environment.
On the other hand, English Literature aims to build strong creative thinking skills by having students use their prior knowledge and experience to make connections to literature and to use elements such as character to understand how literature can teach them more about the book they are reading and the world around them. A strong focus of the Literature program is teaching students how to choose an English novel that matches their reading level and interests, in this way we help create a lifelong English reader who can make choices independently. These two courses work in concert with each other and often many skills and processes are shared between the two classes.
In the foreign taught English Language Arts program at Wahaha (English for Academic Preparation and English Literature) the students focus on process, 21st century learning, and social emotional development at different times throughout the school year, here are a few examples. In a co-project between English and Science students focused on the processes involved in creating a research paper by learning to evaluate the credibility of websites or books and create and organize notes for writing.
In their English Literature class students work in reading pairs and have several opportunities to collaborate in order to evaluate each other’s work and build upon each other’s ideas in their reader’s notebooks. Lastly, in the buddy reading program, taught in collaboration with Mr. Sun, students are paired with 2 – 3 kindergarten students whom they practice English with, read with, and review one vocabulary word with. Among other things, this final activity helps students to build patience, understanding and empathy for others. In these ways and many others English for Academic Preparation and English Literature work together to education the whole student.
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